* You are viewing the archive for the ‘announcements’ Category

A new Looka! is coming.

Changes are afoot, kids!  I’ve finally decided to take the plunge and convert this weblog into one that is powered by WordPress (which you’ve probably noticed, and which probably made you say something like, “What the f…?”).

This horribly ugly and plain page using a basic, off-the-shelf WordPress template is merely a placeholder until we get some codeslinging done.  I have to confess, it’s going to take time.  My dear friend Marleigh Riggins Miller is building a custom template (which will retain as much of the look and feel of good ol’ Looka! while “moving it a bit into Web 2.0,” as she says) and doing the conversion for me, but it’s on her own time so it might be a bit before we get started.  Plus, I’ll be in Europe for 2 weeks starting in the 3rd week of October, so that’ll slow posting down a tad. This temporary template up now will at the very least allow me to get posts up. They’ll be ugly, but readable.

In the meantime, to backtrack and access the archived Looka! weblog for September 2009 (its final month as a dinosaur-like hand-coded weblog) and to read the final post if you followed this from the Networked Blogs link, visit this link:


You can scroll down the right-hand sidebar and read any of the archives over the last 10 years as well.

To complicate matters, I’m changing the URL of the weblog! (Couldn’t you just strangle me?)

From now on, please update all links to this weblog to:


The old URL, http://www.gumbopages.com/looka/ should still work, but will redirect to this one.  All old links to that URL should still work.  (*fingers crossed*) If the old URL link includes “index.html” after the trailing slash (i.e., “http://www.gumbopages.com/looka/index.html”), it WILL NOT WORK.  I had to throw that one under the bus, but I don’t think too many inbound links are formatted that way.

UPDATE: The RSS feed is changing to http://looka.gumbopages.com/feed/, which I was able to fix from the one I posted earlier … ignore the one I mentioned in the previous incarnation(s) of this post.  I’ve rewritten it about ten times while I tried to tweak everything, broke everything horribly and somehow managed to get it all fixed so that, unbelievably, everything seems to work, and

Sigh.  This WordPress thing is gonna be good in the long run, but it’s a huge pain to set up.  (“The famous five-minute installation,” my fishbelly white Irish ass.)

This WordPress thing is gonna be good in the long run, but it’s a huge pain to set up.
(“The famous five-minute installation,” my fishbelly white Irish as

This’ll be exciting! Stay tuned.

