Rebuild, renew! That’s what people do.

One of the highlights of our trip home for Jazzfest a couple of months ago was seeing the stage debut of the work-in-progress musical by Colman DeKay & Paul Sanchez, “Nine Lives,” based on Dan Baum’s fantastic book. The goal is to take it to Broadway, and while it’s not a fully-realized musical yet (no book or staging), it was staged for the first time on Wednesday, May 9 at Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre in the French Quarter, and it was fantastic.

Here’s a look at the finale of the show, “Rebuild Renew.”

Now go buy the CD!


2 Responses to “Rebuild, renew! That’s what people do.”

  1. Andy S. said:

    Jun 25, 11 at 8:26 am

    It was weak, I was never interested. Though the part of the doctor was played with gusto and verve. A puckish satire of contemporary mores, a droll spoof aimed more at the heart than the head.

  2. Chuck said:

    Jun 30, 11 at 3:45 pm

    You seem to have mistaken this for a little hygiene play (and you forgot the nurse’s delightful cameo role!) … as for me, I’m going to spend the next three days in a brothel.