Cocktail of the Day: Anodyne

Yeah, I know I haven’t posted since Mardi Gras. Yeah, I know I’m a lazy bastard. God Emperor of Procrastination. Now, let’s move on and have a drink.

Wes was just grabbing bottles and letting ideas burble forth in his head the other night, and came up with this really delicious drink inspirted by the Perfect Martini. I couldn’t find anything in CocktailDB with this particular combination of ingredients, so in the amazingly unlikely case that nobody’s thought of it, we need to try to get him to name it. He’s thinking of it, and I’ll update with a picture tonight. In the meantime …

[Hours pass by.]

Okay, I think the drink has been officially named now. I suggested this one, which is only fair, since Wesly came up with the brilliant name for what was to become my Réveillon Cocktail, when I was just about to give it a really, really stupid name.

“Anodyne” means something that relieves or eliminates pain, and it was particularly appropriate as he came up with the drink while suffering a bout of pretty nasty neck and shoulder pain. (He was being persnickety, after a bit of googling revealed that a “true” anodyne is only applied externally; I said, “It’s a great name, so hush,” or something like that.) It’s also the name of Uncle Tupelo’s final album, and they’re one of my favorite bands of all time, so we get an extra level of oomph in the name.

Try to avoid substituting. Use Lillet and Punt E Mes, and don’t swap out the gin for something less intense. The cocktail works best with the specified ingredients, and they’re common enough.

The Anodyne Cocktail

The Anodyne Cocktail
(by Wesly Moore, Los Angeles, 2009)

2 ounces Beefeater gin.
1 ounce Lillet blanc.
1/2 ounce Punt e Mes.
3 dashes Regans’ Orange Bitters No. 6.
Orange peel.

Combine ingredients with ice. Stir for 30 seconds and strain into chilled cocktail glass.

Flame the orange peel over the drink, and garnish with the orange peel.

This is really, really tasty.


One Response to “Cocktail of the Day: Anodyne”

  1. Drink of the Week: Anodyne | Summit Sips said:

    Dec 29, 11 at 10:09 pm

    […] for a medicinal combination of ingredients first tried by Wesley Moore in 2009 when it appeared on Chuck Taggart’s Looka! Gumbo Pages weblog. According to Chuck, the cocktail was inspired by the Perfect Martini which is a Martini made using […]